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Websites for Running Clubs

We have just started putting together a new venture with some partners to build a content management system focused on running and sports clubs. If you are looking for a new sports club website, this could be just what you are after. You will be able to design and customise you own content using a purpose built and powerful CMS specific to the kind of features you will need on such a site. Including membership areas, race and event promotion and registration. You can sign up for newsletters about the service right now and hit the ground running – pun totally intended.

Getting to grips with Laravel

Laravel is a great PHP framework for developing anything from simple websites to complicated applications. We are currently using it on a rather complex system for one of our clients and we are so far really pleased with it.

With the introduction of version 4, there is incredible flexibility built into the framework to allow us to control everything from Navigation URLs, data base management, security and user account and how we manage the templates for the user interface.

Still early days, but so far, so good. If you have never used Laravel, but are looking for the next tool to try out, we’d certainly recommend giving it a shot: